
From September 2019, the school has had ambitious targets to improve attendance, both for the whole school and for specific groups (SEN and disadvantaged children).

Measures have included:

  • Review of attendance policy
  • Higher expectations of attendance
  • Recognition and celebration of good attendance for classes and individuals
  • Investigation of reasons for poor attendance
  • Support for families whose children have poor attendance
  • Support and advice from LCC attendance officers
  • Support and advice from the school nurse

As a result, whole school attendance has improved as follows:


Autumn 2019: 93%

Spring 2020: 96%

Autumn 2020: 97%


SEND children:


Autumn 2019: 93%

Spring 2020: 94%

Autumn 2020: 98%


Disadvantaged children:


Autumn 2019: 90%

Spring 2020: 92%

Autumn 2020: 98%


Current attendance is well above national averages.



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